Our Featured Podcast

If you are looking for solid real estate advice, tailored for professional men and women, you have found the right place.

Gary Wilson is an award winning real estate coach and eight time author. He has been featured on over a 100 national and local media outlets including: CBS, FOX News, NBC, ABC, Business Week, iTunes. Why? Because Gary doesn’t just talk-the-talk. He is in the trenches every day learning and teaching.

To date, Gary has:

  • Completed over 100 transactions per year consistently every year without a sales team or assistant.
  • Traded over 5,000 Investment properties in less than 5 years;
  • Developed five real estate holding companies, owning more than 250 Rental Units.
    All this while teaching more than 24,000 Agents and Investors on his Path to Profit System.

This podcast isn’t about teaching you risky real estate loopholes and tricks. It isn’t about selling you a dream that is mostly fluff. This podcast is dedicated to professional women and men who want to pull money out of their current paychecks and invest it in a way that brings them true wealth.